The map below provides one way to estimate the closeness of the alliance between the countries of the world and the United States. It is based on the US State Department's annual report, Voting Practices in the United Nations. We focus on the last 3 calendar years, 2017-2019, and votes in the UN General Assembly identified by the US State Department as "important" policy votes. The State Department awards a point for full agreement, and a half-point for partial agreement, with American votes in the UN General Assembly. The scores for the last 3 years were averaged together to create the following graphic. In this graphic, blue represents complete agreement, and red represents complete disagreement.
Here are the scores for selected countries.
100%: USA
96.7%: Israel
84.0%: Canada
78.2%: Australia
58.4%: United Kingdom
58.1%: Italy
57.3%: France
57.0%: Germany
54.6%: Japan
46.0%: Mexico
41.9%: Brazil
35.9%: Nigeria
29.7%: Bangladesh
29.4%: India
28.1%: Pakistan
25.5%: Indonesia
20.7%: Russia
14.1%: China
100%: USA
96.7%: Israel
84.0%: Canada
78.2%: Australia
58.4%: United Kingdom
58.1%: Italy
57.3%: France
57.0%: Germany
54.6%: Japan
46.0%: Mexico
41.9%: Brazil
35.9%: Nigeria
29.7%: Bangladesh
29.4%: India
28.1%: Pakistan
25.5%: Indonesia
20.7%: Russia
14.1%: China